Internal Secondment Agreement Template UK: A Guide for Employers

As an employer, it is essential to have a clear and concise internal secondment agreement in place when you decide to move an employee from one department to another. An internal secondment is a temporary move of an employee from one job to another within the same company. It can provide the employee with new experiences, skillsets, and exposure to different parts of the business, while also benefiting the company by utilizing existing resources more efficiently.

In the United Kingdom, the law requires that an internal secondment must be agreed upon by both the employee and employer through a written agreement. This agreement should outline the terms and conditions of the secondment, as well as the expectations, responsibilities, and obligations of both parties.

To help you create a clear and comprehensive internal secondment agreement, we have prepared a template that you can use as a starting point. This template covers all the necessary areas that should be included in an internal secondment agreement, such as:

1. Names and contact details of both parties involved

2. The reason for the secondment

3. The expected duration of the secondment

4. The job title, duties, and responsibilities of the employee during the secondment

5. The salary and benefits during the secondment, including any changes to the employee`s terms and conditions of employment

6. The employee`s return to their original job after the secondment

7. The conditions for early termination of the secondment, if necessary

8. Confidentiality and data protection obligations

9. Other relevant terms and conditions, such as notice periods, training requirements, and performance expectations.

It is important to note that every internal secondment agreement will be unique to each company and employee. You may need to adapt this template to fit your specific needs, depending on the nature and duration of the secondment. We recommend seeking legal advice before finalizing any agreement to ensure it complies with UK employment laws.

In conclusion, using an internal secondment agreement template can save you time and effort while also ensuring that both the employer and employee are aware of their obligations and responsibilities. By providing a clear, concise, and comprehensive agreement, you can help the secondment process go smoothly, creating a positive experience for everyone involved.
