LHMU Collective Agreement: What You Need to Know

The LHMU (the Liquor, Hospitality, and Miscellaneous Union) Collective Agreement is a legally binding agreement between employers and employees in the hospitality and retail industries. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment, including wages, working hours, and entitlements such as leave and superannuation.

The LHMU is Australia`s largest hospitality and retail union, representing workers in industries such as hotels, restaurants, cafes, and fast-food outlets. The union negotiates collective agreements with employers on behalf of its members, with the aim of improving working conditions and securing fair wages.

The LHMU Collective Agreement covers a range of industries and occupations, including chefs, waiters, bartenders, cleaners, and retail workers. It varies according to the industry and employer, but generally includes provisions for:

– Minimum rates of pay: The agreement sets out the minimum wage rates for different roles, which employers must pay. These rates are typically higher than the award rates set by the government.

– Penalty rates: Workers are entitled to higher rates of pay for working unsociable hours, such as weekends and public holidays.

– Overtime: Any hours worked beyond the standard working week must be paid at a higher rate.

– Leave entitlements: The agreement sets out provisions for annual leave, sick leave, and long service leave. It also outlines the process for requesting leave and the notice periods required.

– Superannuation: Employers are required to make contributions to their workers` superannuation funds, based on a percentage of their earnings.

– Workplace health and safety: The agreement includes provisions for workplace safety, such as the provision of appropriate training and equipment.

The LHMU Collective Agreement is negotiated between the union and employers, with input from employees. Once agreed upon, it is registered with the Fair Work Commission and becomes legally binding. Employers must comply with the terms of the agreement, or risk facing penalties.

For workers, the LHMU Collective Agreement provides a number of benefits. It ensures that they are paid fairly for their work, have access to appropriate leave entitlements, and are provided with a safe working environment. It also provides a framework for resolving disputes, with the union able to represent employees in any grievances or disputes with their employer.

Overall, the LHMU Collective Agreement plays an important role in protecting the rights and working conditions of workers in the hospitality and retail industries. It provides a level of security and stability for employees and ensures that they are treated fairly and equitably. As such, it is an essential document for anyone working in these industries and should be reviewed carefully by both employers and employees.
