When it comes to contracts and legal agreements, signing on the dotted line is an important step. But have you ever wondered about the significance of signing a document as “signed agreement by”? In this article, we`ll take a closer look at what it means and why it matters.

Firstly, let`s define what “signed agreement by” means. Essentially, this phrase indicates who is signing the document and on whose behalf. For example, if you are signing a contract as an employee, you might write “Jane Smith, signed agreement by XYZ Company.” This clarifies that while you are physically signing the document, you are doing so as a representative of the company.

So why is it important to clarify who is signing the agreement? There are a few reasons. Firstly, if there are any legal issues that arise in the future, it`s important to have a clear record of who was involved in the agreement. By including “signed agreement by” in the document, it`s easy to see who was signing on behalf of which party.

Secondly, this phrasing can help protect individuals from personal liability. If you sign a document as an individual, you may be personally responsible for any obligations or liabilities outlined in the agreement. However, by signing as “signed agreement by [insert organization name],” you are indicating that any obligations are being taken on by the organization, not you personally.

Finally, using “signed agreement by” can help prevent misunderstandings or confusion. For example, if two parties are involved in a contract and both parties have representatives signing the document, it`s important to clarify which representative is signing on behalf of which party. Using this phrasing ensures that everyone involved understands who is responsible for what.

In conclusion, while it may seem like a small detail, using “signed agreement by” is an important part of the contract-signing process. It clarifies who is signing the document and on whose behalf, which can help prevent confusion, protect individuals from personal liability, and provide a clear record of who was involved in the agreement. So next time you`re signing a contract, take a moment to carefully consider how you should phrase your signature.
