“Transitioning to Yale from a public high school in rural Wisconsin posed both academic and cultural challenges that exacerbated my anxiety and imposter syndrome. I struggled everyday with homesickness and depression but still refused to reach out to Yale Mental Health and Counseling to avoid false hope of getting actual help. Horror stories of long wait times and incompatible therapists made it seem pointless to even schedule an intake appointment. I was finally persuaded to seek help during my junior year, however, from the first time I set up an intake to the time I was able to be seen by my assigned therapist, I had already managed to fight the depressive episode that led to me reaching out. These long wait times place an enormous burden on the students who often reach out at their lowest point. I am demanding that Yale reduces wait times at YMHC because no student should have to continue fighting alone, especially when they finally asked for help.”
Helia Gagnon, She/Her/Hers. 2021, Saybrook