“Rather than spending most of my weeks planning around classes, talks, club meetings, or social gatherings, I explicitly schedule my days around my 19 hours of work every week in order to meet Yale’s SIC.”

“Rather than spending most of my weeks planning around classes, talks, club meetings, or social gatherings, I explicitly schedule my days around my 19 hours of work every week in order to meet Yale’s SIC. It is difficult to justify taking advantage of Yale’s resources when I could instead be Read more…

“I did not have to worry about paying off debt, the Student Income Contribution, or supporting my family. This is what enables me to experience only the anxiety brought by lost opportunities for career growth and social life.”

“I was able to go home to my family in rural Maine, where my parents still had their jobs and the pandemic was relatively muted. Financially, things were stable and it was actually nice to have time with my parents and my siblings who also came home. But during an Read more…

“While I know I gained useful skills from my job, I really do wish I was able to have spent my time doing other things like exploring more extracurriculars, building relationships with my peers, or even spent more time taking care of my health with sleep and exercise.”

This summer, I am doing an internship with a local charter school network; it was supposed to have been a paid internship, but now with the pandemic and economic downturn, it is unpaid. I was fortunate enough to be awarded a fellowship for a separate research project that I am Read more…

“To Yale, the SIC is an expense they can distribute to everyone in a couple weeks — but to me, that money is educational expenses, and that money is time that I could be studying. The resulting worry and lack of time has definitely prevented me from reaching my full potential as a scholar.”

From March through May, my mom, who is a domestic housekeeper, lost all her clients due to fears about the COVID-19 crisis. The majority of them did not offer to continue to pay her at all despite the intense vulnerability and exposure my mom would face when she eventually returned Read more…

“Getting rid of the student income contribution would give students wider latitude with how they spend their DSA money, and encourage students to perform even more meaningful work on campus as well.”

As a first generation college student, I’ve seen firsthand how much some of my FGLI peers have struggled with getting a job after graduation. For many without connections, the process can take up to 5 months. I believe expanding the DSA to post graduation would give students a much needed Read more…

“Although I worked a campus job that may soon be nonexistent due to the precarious nature of the fall semester, it alone is not enough to cover the SIC and my mother has been working seven-day weeks and twelve-hour shifts for the past two years to make sure that I won’t have to deal with student loan debt in the future.”

Although I worked a campus job that may soon be nonexistent due to the precarious nature of the fall semester, it alone is not enough to cover the SIC and my mother has been working seven-day weeks and twelve-hour shifts for the past two years to make sure that I Read more…