“Going forward, I really need the administration to be clear about student work and how that works when people are taking semesters off, and to support students in their jobs no matter where they are. Students should have access to full-need financial aid, so I am calling on Yale to eliminate the SIC.”

During COVID-19, being able to continue my jobs with the Yale Sustainable Food Project and the Office of Sustainability remotely was really meaningful and important. In addition, being paid for my Film Studies department job– which couldn’t go remote– was so helpful because I have an apartment lease that makes Read more…

“Unless Black students have the means to grapple with the emotional and mental health tolls of the pandemic and the state sanctioned murders of people in our communities, campus will not be a safe place for us.”

I think it’s pretty clear that a return to campus will magnify the race and class divides that existed before the pandemic began. These divides will be structural and academic but they will also be interpersonal. Unless Black students have the means to grapple with the emotional and mental health Read more…

“Personally, after going to the intake appointment and having one follow-up appointment, the psychologist cancelled for multiple different reasons (sickness, lack of staff) seven different times, sometimes going five weeks without reaching out.”

Yale MH&C has proven to me time and time again that change is necessary in order for it to fulfill its mission of serving its community. Personally, after going to the intake appointment and having one follow-up appointment, the psychologist cancelled for multiple different reasons (sickness, lack of staff) seven Read more…

“Yale is well equipped and full of potential to lead the change in student contribution – I hope it capitalizes on that to alleviate the stress that it can for students like myself.”

The pandemic has served as a harsh reminder of the large disparity between first generation low income students and the majority of Yalies. My tight income household struggles to provide me with many of the privileges financially free households are able to provide. That disparity can be a slight difference, Read more…

“It’s crucial that Yale expand access to mental health resources by reducing wait times and meeting student preferences so others can get support quickly like I did.”

I had a massive safety net to fall back onto– stable home in a relatively affluent suburb that I could come home to. All income earners in my house worked jobs that could go remote, which meant that we continued making money without risking exposure. We could keep ordering food Read more…

“By eliminating the SIC, lowering therapy wait times, and by meeting patient preferences for therapists, Yale will be creating the conditions for all students, not just the wealthy, to learn and thrive in the coming year.”

I haven’t beared the same emotional and financial burdens that many of my FGLI peers have during these past few months. My rage towards Yale, which is demanding that students pay beyond what they can afford, doesn’t compare to that of many of my peers whose lives and beings are Read more…

“When Yale announced that classes would be online, I came dangerously close to being unable to complete the entirety of my senior project because I couldn’t afford a laptop. Because of this – the risk of housing insecurity and academic concerns forced onto students along class lines – I call upon Yale to eliminate the SIC.”

“Once my spring break class trip was cancelled, I planned to remain on campus for the duration of the break in order to save money on travel and to avoid unsafe living conditions. Midway through, of course, this became impossible for me, as dorms were closing. I spoke with both Read more…